The Context
Umbria E-mobility Network is the first of its kind amongst Umbrian companies operating in the field of sustainable mobility. It is promoted by Confindustria Umbria and Umbria Export and funded by the Chamber of Commerce of Umbria.
Digitalization, internationalization and sustainability represent the shared key goals with the Network sustainable mobility industry, one of todays most innovative and developing sectors at both a national and international level.
The Network aims to link companies operating in the technologies and services supply chains for electric mobility, to develop and promote the graduation skills and experiences of Umbria ecological mobility transition macro-process.
A central role in the Network’s activities will be collaboration between manufacturers and universities and research centers, which constitute the necessary ecosystem to develop regional and national supply chains able to face critical issues within global market developments and take advantage of the enormous economic opportunities offered by NextGenerationEU funds.

The strategy
The Network’s strategic objective is the sharing of innovative projects and technological solutions in the field of electric mobility, as well as initiatives of scientific, industrial and commercial collaboration, at both a national and international level.

Scientific cooperation
Promote dialogue between the worlds of production, academia and research in order to develop regional and national supply chains capable of tackling the critical aspects of global market developments.

Industrial cooperation
To bring out, develop and promote the skills and experience of the Umbrian production fabric operating in the macro-process of the ecological transition of mobility.

Business collaboration
Stipulate commercial contracts and collaboration agreements, both national and international, in order to seize the opportunities offered by the e-mobility sector at a global level.

The opportunities
The Network aims to create opportunities for mutual knowledge amongst participating companies, thus encouraging potential partnerships.
Promotion and communication activities will be organized through participation in specific events and meetings with national and international operators, in order to share experiences and acquire information on the main trends in the sector.
Accreditation with public and private institutions operating in the field of sustainable mobility at on regional, national and international level will also be encouraged.
The objectives
To improve
the competitiveness of enterprises through business growth actions, technological innovation processes, digitalisation, training and internationalisation in the field of mechanical machinery, mechatronics, electricity; industrial energy engineering and electronic systems in general and in related complementary industries.
To encourage
and structure collaboration in projects aimed of innovation, research, technological development and the study of materials.
To develop
joint internationalisation initiatives and collective marketing policies.
To manage
and procure joint orders from companies participating in the network.
To promote
and support joint vocational training activities.